Journal Information

From the Editor-In-Chief 

The Yemen Journal of Medicine (YJM) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, multidisciplinary online journal that commenced in 2022. It serves as a platform for health professionals to share innovative and original insights relevant to the journal's thematic scope. Committed to an impartial and objective editorial policy, the journal was established voluntarily by a group of Yemeni physicians, both within Yemen and abroad without any commercial intent. Its primary objective is to contribute original and high-quality research to the medical literature, emphasizing the interconnections across various fields of medicine. 

About us 

The Yemen Journal of Medicine (YJM) is a triennial, open-access, peer-reviewed journal in English, published on behalf of a group of Yemeni physicians, both within Yemen and abroad, who recognized a gap in the availability of a publication platform for Yemeni contributions to the global medical literature. In response to this need, YJM was established to facilitate the exchange of contemporary medical knowledge among colleagues in developing countries, with a particular focus on Arab countries and the international community. 

The journal will publish research of interest to health specialties both in academic and clinical practice. YJM publishes original research articles in Medicine and its subspecialties, Family Medicine, Community, and Occupational Medicine, Public Health, Microbiology, Pharmacy, Pathology, Health Quality, and Hospital Management. YJM provides rapid publication of research articles in all areas of medicine and medical sciences in the form of original articles, short communications, case reports/case series/case-based reviews, letters to the editor, review articles, and clinical quizzes. The target readers of the Journal include all medical and health professionals in the health cluster such as in medicine, dentistry, nursing, applied medical sciences, clinical pharmacology, public health, etc.  

Aims & Scope 

The journal presents an innovative platform for researchers, students, practitioners, and educators to both learn from and contribute to the field. All articles are subject to initial Editor screening and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process before publication. YJM makes all published articles accessible online upon publication, free of charge, and without subscription or registration barriers. 

The key objectives of YJM are: 

  • To publish knowledge and results in an efficient and effective manner. 

  • To ensure the implementation of copyright and intellectual property law. 

  • To improve the standards of journals for the international dissemination of information. 

  • To bring together and build a team of outstanding experts on one platform from all over the world. 

  • To produce authentic and qualitative research. 

  • To provide a bridge between research and health field developments, in developing countries. 


Indexing and Abstracting Information 

Index Copernicus, Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Google Scholar, ROAD, CrossRef, Scilit. International scientific indexing, Academic and Scholarly Research Publication Center, Academic Resource Index, IJIFACTOR, IP indexing, Saji journal index, Cosmos, Eurasian scientific journal index, Journals insights, Asian Scientific Citation Index, Scientific Indexing Services, SafetyLit, Scientific journal impact factor, International impact factor service, SciMatic, SUDOC and OpenAlex,. 

Open Access Policy 

Yemen Journal of Medicine (YJM) is an open-access journal. The open-access means all content is freely available without any fees or charges to the user or user’s institution. They are permitted to read, download, distribute, or recreate information in any medium or format like a print, copy, or can use it for any lawful purpose. They are free to search, remix, transform, and build upon the material, or link to the full texts of the articles, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author according to The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access.  

Creative Common (CC) Licenses 

This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International, which allows others to remix, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms 

Repository Policy 

Authors can deposit their published article in any repository. After publication of the article in the journal, authors are allowed and encouraged to submit their content online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their website). As this can result in fruitful discussions and earlier and more frequent citation of published work which can help to promote the accessibility and reproducibility of research findings for others. 

Copyright of the Published Material 

The journal requires authors to submit a signed copy of the consent declaration, in which they acknowledge their responsibility for submitting the material to the journal on behalf of all co-authors. However, the author retains the copyright of the content while transferring all licensing and publishing rights to the journal. The author confers upon the journal the sole authority to commercially exploit the article. Throughout the entire legal duration of the copyright, the author grants the journal an exclusive right and license to publish the work. This transfer of publication rights encompasses the non-exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, which includes reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic formats (both offline and online), or any other similar forms of reproduction. 

Plagiarism Policy 

YJM enforces a rigorous policy regarding plagiarism. Authors are required to produce original work and to accurately reference all sources utilized. Additionally, YJM classifies "self-plagiarism" as a type of plagiarism. An instance of self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses content from their own previously published material without appropriate citation in the new manuscript. All submitted manuscripts undergo scrutiny through plagiarism detection software, and any submission identified with over 20% plagiarized content will be returned to the authors for revision to lower the plagiarism percentage or may be outright rejected. 

Digital Archiving Policy 

Digital archiving ensures the preservation and accessibility of digital content over time, safeguarding it from technological changes and data loss. We prioritize the longevity and integrity of our journal by utilizing leading digital archiving services Portico and CLOCKSS. Our journal are securely preserved and remain accessible to researchers, educators, and the public, today and in the future. 

Advertising Policy 

The Journal retains the discretion to decline any advertisement that does not meet journal advertising policy. 

1. Advertisements will not be accepted if they are indecent, offensive, or discriminatory based on personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious grounds, whether in text or artwork. 

2. The Journal will not accept advertisements for products or services known to be harmful to health, such as tobacco and alcohol. 

3. Product advertorials will not allow any treatment-specific or drug-specific campaigns to target specific articles related to the advertised products. 

The presence of advertisements or product information on the Journal's website does not means endorsement or approval by the Journal regarding the quality or claims made by the manufacturer of the advertised products. Editorial decision does not depend on the any advertisement visible on the website.  

Online first publication 

Online First articles are made available on the website prior to their inclusion in a journal issue and can be referenced and cited using their DOI. The YJM maintains a policy stating that no alterations will be permitted following the publication of an article, except in cases where an error has been attributed to the journal. 

Privacy Statement 

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.